Making GrassOps a Modern Web App

Making GrassOps a Modern Web App
Photo by BoliviaInteligente / Unsplash

GrassOps is targeting a few modern web app feature that conflict with each other, namely SEO optimization and client-side interactivity.

I see GrassOps as eventually having publicly available resources that benefit from being SEO optimized, such as compiled community knowledge wikis. Visitors won't necessarily be visiting the site again, so they benefit from having quick-loading pages.

Additionally, I want the software to perform more seamlessly on the client. Usually this means sending a heavy payload down first so that the whole website is present on the user's browser, and it only needs to request additional data in order to navigate to new pages.

These needs have been at odds but I've picked some technologies that are able to meet both needs simultaneously. The app will render the web pages on the server first so that they are sent to the client fully rendered, increasing SEO optimization and the performance of the first load. Then the app transfers the rest of its heavy payload to the browser in the background, allowing the user to have a more seamless experience as they continue to navigate the app.

The combination of technologies I've decided to use has some pieces that simply don't exist yet, or are supported through community hacks and manual interventions, so it's taking me a while to make progress on the required elements to finish the community admin dashboard. I'm hoping once the foundations are down, that the rest of the experience will be a lot quicker to create. Knocking on wood.

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