Up Next: Basic Community Functionality

Up Next: Basic Community Functionality
Photo by GeoJango Maps / Unsplash

Alright, so we've got the login and create accounts functionality pretty much working. I can invite people to join, and people can create and manage their account details, with some level of security. Awesome! What's next?


I'm currently working on the infrastructure to manage communities in GrassOps. Initially, communities will be tied to geopolitical boundaries as defined by local governments. Communities will also be represented in a hierarchy, where a community can be inside of another community, it's "parent" community so-to-speak.

So, a user who joins GrassOps could be a part of the Salt Lake City community. As a result of being a part of that community, they would also be a part of the Salt Lake Valley community, the Utah community, the USA community, and the Global community.

In my vision of GrassOps, we will eventually incorporate some nifty functionality to make this community hierarchy super useful. Right now, we're keeping it super basic. I need communities as the baseline for all other user activity on the platform.

Initial Community Features

The most primary form of community features are the following:

  • As an Admin, I can manage (create, update, and delete) communities from the admin portal.
  • Users who log in to GrassOps must join a community in order to use the platform.
  • Users should be able to browse the currently available communities on GrassOps, and join one of their choosing.


I'm currently working on creating the admin portal and the infrastructure for creating communities. Just tonight I finished allowing admins to log in and access the admin portal, and next I will need to implement community browsing and management.

Thanks for following along!
